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Adjustment Program Epson Sx115 Lilicha

program epson sx115 adjustment program epson sx115 for windows Category:Printers Category:EpsonQ: Typeclass instanceof error in scala I have following definition trait Calculator[A]{ def add[B](x: A, y: B)(implicit ev: Eq[B]): A = x + y def subtract[B](x: A, y: B)(implicit ev: Eq[B]): A = x - y def mul[B](x: A, y: B)(implicit ev: Eq[B]): A = x * y def divide[B](x: A, y: B)(implicit ev: Eq[B]): A = x / y } object Calculator { implicit def toCalcOps(calc: Calculator[Int]): Int => Int = { case i:Int => calc.add(i,i)(i.isInstanceOf[Int]) } } I wanted to try to create a Calculator instance by doing object Calculator { implicit def toCalcOps(calc: Calculator[Int]): Int => Int = { case i:Int => calc.add(i,i)(i.isInstanceOf[Int]) } } then I can use it like following object Test extends App { println(Test.toCalcOps(new Calculator[Int]{})) println(Test.toCalcOps(5)) } when I run this code I get following error [error] /home/abc/workspace/Test.scala:6: error: type mismatch; found : Int => Boolean required: A => Boolean case i:Int => calc.add(i,i)(i.isInstanceOf[Int]) Why I am getting this error. Can someone explain me this. A: Your code is not compileable because you are attempting to create an instance of Calculator[Int], which is ambiguous, since there is no implicit conversion from Int to Calculator[Int]. In general, you have to be explicit in the implicit class definition: be359ba680

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